
Jackie Bihr

Senior Escrow Officer

Office: 323.920.0813 / Cell: 562-508-2900


Jackie Bihr, Senior Escrow Officer joined Cal West Escrow in 2021. She is in her tenth year of escrow work and service, and brings with her work ethic the requisite experience and abilities with which to efficiently handle the escrow process. She has had countless successes in escrow with over a decade of commercial, residential and refinance experience at both large bank escrow offices and independent escrow offices. With this extensive experience, she has all the tools to make sure every customer is taken care of with the utmost of excellence.  She is adept in commercial, residential, and refinance escrows. She started working in an independent escrow close to her hometown of Whittier, California. From there she moved to another enterprise, a larger independent escrow company prominent in the San Gabriel Valley. She worked her way up from escrow assistant to trainee to officer and has a solid decade of experience in all aspects of the life of an escrow. Jackie is excited to join the team at Cal West Escrow and plans to hone and develop her teamwork and managerial skills here.

Jackie is a native of Southern California, growing up in Whittier and now living in Pasadena. She went to school on the other coast, earning a BA in English literature at Wellesley College. Her time on the East Coast taught her to never underestimate the beauty and ease of a mild California winter. When she returned to California from college, she very much fell into escrow, and the relationship has been growing ever since. Outside of work, Jackie loves reading outdoors in nature, going off-roading with her husband, and cuddling with her cats.